Anahi Mariotti - Portfolio
Fondazione Francesca Romana, Rome

Quando viene la sera - When the evening comes

Cured by Roberta Melasecca
as part of the Festival del Tempo and Festival Spiritualia

Environmental and emotional research investigating the relationship between body, space and emotions. With simple tools to detect the real: cardiac holter (to detect heart rhythm), sketchbooks (to record emotions through words and images), microphone (sounds, noises and stories) and Polaroid (to imprint instant images). The intervention was based on living 24h in and around a nursing home in Trastevere. The guests, the garden, the weather, the food, the cold, everything was explored in order to return an intimate mirror of the space and the people involved.

The project was designed to be reproduced in different contexts and territories with a site-specific approach: the investigation is shaped on the territory that has to be explored.

In each place, the relationship with the people inhabiting the space is sought. The artist gets immersed in an environment and takes in all its vibrations by recording what happens inside the body through the heartbeat.

It has been written about this work: A slow recording of time: Anahi Mariotti's installation in Rome by Daniela Trincia &
Anahi Mariotti's intervention in the former dormitory in Trastevere by Claudia Quintieri

Performance. Site-specific installation. Audio. Drawing. Photography. Engraving on metal plate. Cardiac holter tracing.

